Do Devon Rex Cats Like To Travel? —

Do Devon Rex Cats Like To Travel?

Learn more about Devon Rex cats with our complete guide.

Do Devon Rex cats love to travel? If you’ve ever seen a Devon Rex, then you know they’re one of the most unique-looking cats around. But are they suitable for traveling, or do they prefer to stay at home? In this post, we’ll explore the answer to this question and provide some helpful tips if you decide that your Devon Rex is ready for an adventure! Read on to find out if these curious creatures would make good road trip companions.

What Is A Devon Rex Cat?

A Devon Rex cat is a rare breed of feline known for its large ears, short stature, and curly whiskers. It’s a medium-sized domestic cat that usually weighs between 6 and 10 pounds. They have an outgoing personality and are often very affectionate towards their owners. Not only do they love attention, but these cats also enjoy playing with toys and exploring new places.

Are Devon Rex Cats Suitable For Traveling?

The short answer to this question is yes! Devon Rex cats make great travel companions because they tend to be fairly laid back. They don’t mind being confined in carriers or car rides, so long as there are plenty of stops along the way for them to get out and explore. But before heading out on the open road with your Devon Rex, there are a few things you should take into consideration.

First, make sure you have a carrier that is designed for your cat’s size and weight. This will help keep them safe and secure during transit. Second, be aware of any medications or vaccinations your pet may need and check to see if they’re up-to-date before traveling. Finally, it’s important to note that Devon Rex cats often suffer from stress when taken away from their home environment. It’s best to keep trips short so as not to overwhelm them.

Tips For Traveling With A Devon Rex Cat

When taking your Devon Rex on a journey, there are several things you can do to make them more comfortable. First, be sure to bring familiar items from home like their favorite pillow or toy. This will help them feel at ease in a strange environment. Also, consider bringing along extra litter and food so they don’t have to rely on unfamiliar sources while on the road. Finally, talk to your vet beforehand about any possible safety precautions you may need to take before traveling with your pet.


Devon Rex cats are certainly suitable for traveling, as long as you’re prepared and willing to put in the effort. With the right carrier, medications and vaccinations taken care of, and plenty of toys and treats for distraction, these curious creatures can make great road trip companions.



Related FAQs

Devon Rex cats typically weigh between 6 and 10 pounds, making them a medium-sized breed of domestic cat.
Yes, if you take the necessary precautions. Be sure to bring along a carrier that is designed for your cat’s size and weight, check their vaccinations and medications beforehand, and bring familiar items from home like their favorite pillow or toy.
Keeping your pet calm while traveling can be achieved by providing plenty of distractions in the form of toys, treats, and familiar items from home. Additionally, consider bringing along extra litter and food so they don’t have to rely on unfamiliar sources while on the road.
It’s best to keep trips short for your Devon Rex as they may become stressed in a new environment. Consider taking shorter car rides or even just going for a walk around your local park with them instead of venturing out too far away from home.
Yes, it’s important to take a few extra precautions when traveling with a Devon Rex cat. Be sure to bring along their carrier, medications and vaccinations (if applicable), and extra food and litter in case of unexpected delays.
No, it’s never advisable to leave your pet unattended in a car for any extended period of time. The temperature can become too hot or cold very quickly, leading to serious health risks for your cat.
Signs that your pet may be uncomfortable while traveling include excessive meowing, restlessness, clawing at the carrier walls, or refusing to eat or drink. If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to take a break and let them out of the carrier for a few minutes to stretch their legs.
Soft-sided carriers are usually preferable for Devon Rex cats as they provide more room and comfort than hard-shell carriers do. Additionally, look for a carrier that is designed with your cat’s size and weight in mind so that it fits securely while on the road.
Yes, most public transportation systems allow passengers to bring pets onboard as long as they’re in an approved carrier. Be sure to check with your local transit system ahead of time to ensure that your pet is allowed onboard and to find out any additional rules or regulations.
It’s best to take frequent stops along the way when traveling with a Devon Rex cat, allowing them some time to stretch their legs and explore their surroundings. This will help keep them comfortable while on the road and reduce anxiety from being in an unfamiliar environment for extended periods of time.