Is A Cornish Rex A Sphynx? —

Is A Cornish Rex A Sphynx?

Learn more about Cornish Rex cats with our complete guide.

Do you know the difference between a Cornish Rex and a Sphynx cat? On the surface, they may look similar, with their short coats and large ears. But are these two breeds actually related? In this post, we’ll explore the similarities and differences between these two cats to answer the question: Is A Cornish Rex A Sphynx? Read on to find out!

What Are Cornish Rex And Sphynx Cats?

Cornish Rex cats are a breed of short-haired felines, descended from one single mutation in Cornwall, England in 1950. While some Cornish Rexes can have longer coats around their neck and legs, their bodies are typically covered with just a thin downy fur. They also have large ears with tips that curl slightly outward, adding to the curious appearance of these cats.

Sphynx cats, on the other hand, are known for their lack of fur. This breed dates back to 1966 when a hairless cat was born in Toronto, Canada. Sphynx cats don’t actually have no hair; they just have an extremely fine coat that is almost unnoticeable to the touch. They have large ears and pointy faces, giving them an elf-like appearance.

How Are These Cats Similar & Different?

Both Cornish Rexes and Sphynx cats are known for their large ears and lack of fur. They also share a mischievous personality and love to play — especially with catnip toys! Both cats enjoy having lots of attention from their owners, so they’re not the best choice if you’re looking for a low maintenance pet.

The main difference between these two breeds lies in their coats; the Cornish Rex has a thin layer of downy fur, while the Sphynx is completely hairless (though some may have a fine coat). Additionally, Sphynx cats require more grooming than their furry counterparts, as they need to be bathed or wiped down regularly to keep their skin healthy and clean.

Is A Cornish Rex A Sphynx?

No, a Cornish Rex is not the same breed as a Sphynx cat. While the two breeds share some physical characteristics — such as large ears and lack of fur — they are descended from different mutations in different countries. Additionally, their coats differ; while the Cornish Rex has thin fur, the Sphynx is completely hairless (though some may have a fine coat).


In conclusion, it’s clear that a Cornish Rex is not the same breed as a Sphynx cat. While the two breeds share some physical characteristics, they are descended from different mutations in different countries and have coats that differ significantly. Still, both cats make for loving companions — so if you’re looking for a furry or hairless friend, why not consider one of these special felines?



Related FAQs

A Cornish Rex is a breed of shorthaired cats descended from one single mutation in Cornwall, England in 1950. They typically have thin downy fur over their bodies and large ears with tips that curl slightly outward.
A Sphynx cat is a breed of hairless felines that date back to 1966 when one was born in Toronto, Canada. While they don’t have any visible fur, some may have an extremely fine coat that’s almost invisible to the touch. They also have large ears and pointy faces, giving them an elf-like appearance.
Both Cornish Rexes and Sphynx cats are known for their large ears and lack of fur. They also share a mischievous personality and love to play — especially with catnip toys! Additionally, they both enjoy having lots of attention from their owners.
The main difference between these two breeds lies in their coats; the Cornish Rex has a thin layer of downy fur, while the Sphynx is completely hairless (though some may have a very fine coat). Additionally, Sphynx cats require more grooming than their furry counterparts, as they need to be bathed or wiped down regularly to keep their skin healthy and clean.
While any cat can cause an allergic reaction, some people who are sensitive to cats may find that the Cornish Rex causes less of a reaction than other breeds — as its coat is made of finer fur than most cats. However, it’s best to consult with a doctor before getting any pet if you have allergies.
Yes, Sphynx cats require more grooming than other cats since they don’t have fur to protect their skin from dirt and oils. It’s important to bathe or wipe down your Sphynx regularly, using a mild soap specifically designed for cats.
The large ears of the Cornish Rex are thought to be an adaptation that helped them regulate their body temperature in cold climates — as larger ears allow more body heat to escape and cool them off. They also give the breed its characteristic elf-like appearance.
Both Cornish Rexes and Sphynx cats typically live between 10 to 15 years (though some may even make it up to 20!). As with any pet, proper nutrition and regular veterinarian care are key to ensuring your cat lives a long, healthy life.
Yes, both breeds typically do well with other animals — from other cats to dogs — as long as they’re properly introduced and socialised. However, it’s always best to supervise any interactions between pets of different species.
While some people may find the Cornish Rex less allergenic than other breeds, any cat can cause an allergic reaction — so it’s best to consult with your doctor before adopting one of these cats.